Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Vegetable meme

While some people despise memes ("oh no, I have been tagged again") I think they can be fun. Besides, if you don't want to participate, you just don't. It's as easy as that. No harm done. So here's my meme, six questions about vegetables.

1. Is there a vegetable you hated as a child but came to love as you got older?
There were several vegetables I didn't have much affinity for as a child but fennel is the one I fervently disliked for a very long time, probably due to the the pronounced aniseed taste. I clearly remember the first time I ate fennel with great pleasure: it was after my maths A-levels - I came home feeling so ravenous that I happily ate leftovers from my parents' dinner party the night before which was a veal stew which I had never liked either (I only ever wanted the leanest of meats) and fennel. Now I may not be a crack in maths but at least I learned to love fennel.

2. Most underrated vegetable?
Many varieties of cabbage which used to be widely cultivated and then forgotten about. Now thankfully available again at the bi-weekly market in our town.

3. Name one favourite summer vegetable dish
My orzo salad with slow-braised onion, zucchini, aubergine and peppers and plenty of herbs. The recipe will certainly be posted next summer.

4. And one for winter?
All kinds of soup - the spiced roasted vegetable soup is a firm favourite.

5. What vegetables are in your fridge and freezer right now?
Leeks, carrots, chilies, celery, beets, peas, mange-tout and spinach (the latter three frozen).

6. Is there a vegetable you really like but don't make much yourself?
Cardoons, pictured at the head of this post. I'd love to eat them more but they are rarely available and literally painful to peel!

I'd love to read your answers and pass this one on to:

Again- if you're not into memes, just let it be. It's supposed to be fun, not a chore. And if you happen to visit this blog, haven't been tagged but want to join in - please do. And don't forget to let me know about your answers, be it in the comments or by emailing me!


wheresmymind said...

I've come to appreciate cabbage more now that I'm older :)

Anonymous said...

my answers you'll find here: http://kochtopf.twoday.net/stories/3228454/

Astrid (…and the kitties too) said...

'though I was not tagged, I grabbed your meme :)

Anonymous said...

The selection of vegetables in our multicultural City of Toronto, Canada is incredible. Sometimes, I write down names of strange looking items and later search online for recipes.
There are two vegetables, I don't like Bak choi (chinese cabbage)and
My favourite soup is Chicken Noodle with veggies.
You will find small bite size tomato's also known in my kitchen at any time.
I love "Feldsalat" but this kind of salad is not available in our grocery stores. I grow the salad in a special sqirrel proof container in my garden.


Anonymous said...

correction of previous post..

You will find small bite size tomato's also known as grape tomatoes in my kitchen at any time.

Zarah Maria said...

Oooh, a tag! Will do!;-)

Honeybee said...

See Joey's answers here:


neil said...

I've been a bit slow, but my answers are finally up at http://tankeduptaco.blogspot.com/2007/03/vegetable-meme.html

Chef Jeena said...

I love cabbage but i rarley cook it, I think Polish people use a lot of cabbage - I might look for some recipes from Poland now you mention it .:)

visit jeena's kitchen healthy recipe blog